
My Laundry Bag

Commercial Interior by Kate Pilot. 2020 BEST Awards: Gold Award (Retail Environment), 2021 Dulux Awards: Finalist.

2020 BEST Awards: Gold (Retail Spaces)

2021 Dulux Colour Awards: Finalist

My Laundry Bag

LeaD Interior Designer

The concept for 'My Laundry Bag’ - a modern take on the traditional laundromat, was to use natural colours and materials to juxtapose the industrial machines. Japanese inspired custom designed elements were used, bringing a softness and serenity to the space.

Working on a tight budget, the client wanted to have a laundromat that provides an innovative approach to a routine task but is still an inviting & relaxing space to be in. Final development of the design will introduce plants to complement the natural feel and improve the quality of the environment. 

Photography by Ben Rowsell